Sunday, May 27, 2007



remember when Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl was shown, the reality show created by Mark Burnett called Survivor: Pearl Islands was on boob tubes a month later. They had the same “piracy” theme” and both were big hits. Then just last year when we saw the blockbuster Dead Man’s Chest, Survivor: Cook Islands was being shoot and of course those islands were discovered by a British Navigator named James Cook. This year, another reality show will premiere after “At World’s End. It’s “Pirate Master” also from Mark Burnett. Isn’t it a coincidence? Savvy?

As a huge follower of the film, I enjoyed watching the 3rd film.
As an admirer of the Pirates film, I think this is the biggest in terms of the fight scenes, explosions, stunning visual effects, amazing sound & musical score, great costumes & make-up, immaculate production design and cinematography. Well, I agree that the story is not that good. Who cares? I watched this for the gay & fey Jack Sparrow. I watched this coz I want to know what’s next on the love story of Elizabeth & Will. Whew! I love their honeymoon scene coz I saw a pulchritudinous close-up of Keira on that sunset shot.

I watched this coz I am so proud that there’s a Filipino actor named Reggie Lee who had numerous lines. He ain’t just an extra you know. I watched this coz there’s more to be told and to be seen after Dead Man’s Chest.

Who said this is a “terrible film”? C’mon you must be jokin’ right? Savvy? Aye!
I think they will win again for Best in Visual Effects next year in the Oscars. Grandiose optical illusions I must say! Another nod for Best in Sound Editing too. Hopefully acting nominations for Mr. Depp again. Kudos to all the actors!

By the way, don’t abscond during the end credits. Wait ‘til the last acknowledgment and you will see a surprise scene. It was a feel good picture that happened after a decade when we saw Sparrow & Barbossa planning their next enigmatic adventure.

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