I'm still metagrobolized why the US critics are raving about “Milk”. They are calling this as “a marvel and a triumph!”. Hmm.. well, it's their penchant and I think they are right. Jishcand has a different relish for a gay movie like this. Don't expect something moving like Brokeback Mountain coz there's zilch. They ain't tryin' to imitate anyway but the gist is just eldritch. “Milk” is a sad nourishment. “Milk” is also an eye opener. “Milk” is really out.
This is the biopic of Harvey Milk , the first openly gay man to be voted into major public office in America in 1977, when he was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. In 1970 ,Milk moves from New York to San Francisco with lover Scott Smith to lead off a new life, but they are encircled by sexual secernment. With the reinforcement of Smith and young activists like Cleve Jones , he dives into the stormy seas of politics. Eventually he and Smith separate. Milk meets his new swain Jack Lira before being elected supervisor for the newly zoned District 5. His battle against Proposition 6, a projected statewide vote to sack gay schoolteachers, puts him into bluff dispute with another newly elected supervisor, Dan White, with wistful results.
The quandary is not in the movie. It's in me. I hate politics.
I can't stand it. Duh... Honestly, I was bored to death with Milk's story. At the beginning of the movie, his death is being mentioned. Of course, we knew that he was already defunct (sad to say). So what we are going to see for the next 130 minutes are his activities. It's either politics or sex. The political issues make me soporific and the sex I think keeps me awake?
Nah... There are a couple of nookie scenes but I didn't enjoy it. The lip locking scene of Sean Penn and James Franco makes me wanna puke honestly. It looks weird. It's dowdy when you compare it to the scorching snogging of Jack & Ennis. Penn also has a shtupping scene with Diego Luna complete with back door nudity. It's not that retching because the shot is quiet dark. This movie is totally “out” as mentioned. The good thing about this movie is its sentiment on gay rights.
If you're homophobic, you better not drink this milk.
Some technical aspects are worth mentioning. I love the music by Danny Elfman. It's perfect for the era. I'm so glad he is nominated but I think he won't win. Gus Van Sant's direction is truly sincere. He is not my favorite director but I like his take on homosexuality. He actually does a nice tribute to Harvey Milk even if the main character is erogenous sometimes. The costumes in the 70's are also well-designed and they fit perfectly on the film's ambience.
This is Sean Penn's most challenging role since “I Am Sam”. Yeah, I agree that he is really amazing and totally cajoling. Unfortunately, he is not my bet for Best Actor. He has a chance of winning here but I'm still hoping for an astonishing speech from Brad Pitt on the stage. Yeah, Pitt is my bet. Josh Brolin suprises me! He is really good. Sorry Josh, Heath is also my bet on your category. I just wanna say that it's kinda giggling to see James Franco, Emile Hirsch, Diego Luna and Lucas Grabeel acting pouf. Except Grabeel who is fishy in real life
(my suspicion). Did you see him shake his booty in High School Musical as Sharpay's twin brother? Yeah, that's him. He acts naturally in this movie. Ha ha! James Franco and Diego Luna do a perfect job as Harvey's lovers. So expect to see their dark side. That's the best thing they can offer here.
Should you drink this milk? If you dig this politicking in a movie, go take one glass of milk. If you just want to ogle some flesh, just take a sip. If you want to know if Sean Penn and Gus Van Sant are deserving with their respective awards, take a bucket of milk and shower it.
Jishcands Theme (Zach Conflicted) - J. Peter Robinson
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