Saturday, October 24, 2009


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When I first heard the explosive hype about “The Hurt Locker” I became enthusiastic and frantic. Reading with all those praises last summer I even thought of flying to the US just to check this Iraq War Film. Unfortunately, I didn't have money to buy for a plane ticket. But I prayed almost everyday that someday one munificent distributor would release this! Booommmm!!!!! Last month I saw the posters in the mall. Finally, the hype reached our shores and believe it or not it is growing more. I won't break this chain of ballyhoo. I won't lock this treasure somewhere. This edge-of-the-seat thriller is one of the best war movies ever made.


FILM PREMISE: It’s set in Baghdad, Iraq in 2004, during the last 38 days of a year-long tour of duty by a three-man unit of the US Army’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal Squad, a volunteer elite, specially trained to tear down IEDs (improvised explosive devices). Bravo Company has lost their team leader, Staff Sergeant William James whose approach to his work is what you might call unorthodox is assigned as replacement. The truth is, in the disquieted thought of his new colleagues, JT Sanborn and Owen Eldridge, James is entirely careless and unsafe. Now, imagine these three soldiers in an exploding situation.


This film is not mostly about the bang bang bang!!! Boom boom boom!!! Ratatat tatata tattttt!!!! Actually, the film is quiet most of the time. But silence speaks a thousand words and the silence in this film explodes so loudly. What's amazing about The Hurt Locker is how the director creates tension in every scene where our protagonist tries to dismantle a bomb. Those scenes can cause rapid heart palpitation and maybe some shriek if the bomb explodes. The film is really terrifying from start to end. It's hard to watch the lives of these soldiers in Iraq I love this film because it's not preachy and everything. It's also challenging to watch a war movie that manages to be farinaceous and excruciating as well as delicate and touching, the director has done everything to create a phenomenal film. Guess what? The director is a woman! Imagine that? Hands down to you Kathryn Bigelow. The cinematographer does a stirring job too. I love those beautiful frames he pictured. The explosions are artfully captured. The actual filming in the Middle East makes this film so real honestly.


I think the other main reason why The Hurt Locker is gaining momentum on future awards nominations is because of Jeremy Renner who portrays Will James. Who is he? See, I'm not even familiar with him but I think I saw him already playing a supporting role before. I just can't remember his movies right now. Renner plays his character with passion. It's either you'll hate him or love him. His character is kinda haywire but he has a heart. Renner is simply great. What a striking performance from this man! Give him the Best Actor Trophy now!!!! His co-actors are also remarkable. Anthony Mackie who plays Sergeant J.T. Sanborn has a good chemistry with Renner and Brian Geraghty as Specialist Owen Eldridge manages to spark some heat on his character. Ralph Fiennes has a memorable cameo role by the way.


The Hurt Locker is a sure shot for Best Picture next year in the Oscars. This is the first astonishing film this year that I've watched and I want to give them the top honors already. I seldom like war movies but this one bombs my heart. This film changes everything! I just can't stop praising it coz I really want you to watch it now!!!! This best picture rocks!!!!!

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