Friday, February 29, 2008


EP. 4

Watch the whole episode 4:


Post-war from Malakal's last tribal council. Word war from Cirie & Jonathan again.


Eliza from Malakal was ill. She had a tonsillitis.

Chet from Airai was also sick & tired. They threatened him that he would be next to go if they'll go the tribal council.

Reward Challenge: Diver Down
The Fans and Favorites arrive at the Reward Challenge where Jeff Probst explains the rules. Four tribe members will swim out to a floating platform and dive down to a 30-foot long steel cage submerged in the water. They must retrieve from the cage ten tribe-colored coconuts with letters on them. Pushing the coconuts the length of the cage through an opening at the end, tribes must retrieve the coconuts one-by-one and place them in a wooden bin floating above the cage. After all 10 coconuts are in the bin, they must swim the loaded bin back to shore where the four remaining tribe members will use the letters on the coconuts to unscramble a ten-letter word. First tribe to unscramble the word wins 3 egg-laying hens and a rooster. In addition, the winning tribe will send a member from both tribes to Exile Island.



Ozzy really rocks!!!! He took underwater and moved out the other coconuts for his tribe to the front of the cage. The fans struggled to catch u coz Ozzy's plan really worked out.
Tthe Favorites won the Reward. For the third time in a row, the Favorites sent a distraught Kathy to Exile Island, with Ozzy to accompany her.

The bgiggest higlight in this episode would be:
He also did what Yau Man's joke in Fiji. He carved another fake idol and stashed it again.

Immunity Challenge: Crosswalk
The tribes arrive at the Challenge where Kathy and Ozzy return from Exile Island and rejoin their respective tribes. Jeff Probst explains the rules to the Immunity Challenge. Tribes will race to open six locks releasing a large six-point sliding hub. Harnessing themselves into the hub, tribes will maneuver through a large obstacle course by shifting, sliding, and adjusting each other in their hub. Along the way they will collect six tribal bead necklaces. Once all six necklaces are collected, the remaining two tribe members will match up the colored beads on the necklace with the corresponding letters on a decoding wheel to spell a three-word phrase. First tribe to decipher the phrase wins Immunity.

Guess what” This task was so easy for the FAVORITES!
They won again!


In Airai, there was a strong argument whether to vote off the wak Chet or finish Joel's plan from the start. Vote odd Mikey B. Mikey B knew all along that he was on the chopping block. Tracy also made a bargaining agreement with Joel to finish the plan.


At the tribal council, Jason & Mikey pointed out that their tribe must remain strong and they should vote out the weakest.
In the end, Tracy’s hard bargaining skills pay off. The tribe casted their votes sending Mikey B home 6 votes to 3, he became the fourth person voted out of SURVIVOR: MICRONESIA -- FANS VS FAVORITES.


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