Tuesday, January 8, 2008



Are you into sci-fi films?
Are you into some intellectual but crazy stuff?
Are you afraid of the dark?
Are you into Will Smith’s bod?

Well, this is the movie for you.

“I Am Legend” is an ultimate sci-fi thriller based on the novel by Richard Matheson published in 1954. Wow! That’s old. I haven’t read it honestly. I haven’t seen the other 2 film adaptations too. The first one was 1964’s Last Man On Earth and 1971’s Omega Man.


Since I am not familiar with the novel and the two aforementioned films let’s just talk about this recent blockbuster “I Am Legend”. It’s amazing to see this kind of movie that really bothers our mind. The situation here is catastrophic and it’s quiet disturbing.
I was like gasping all the time every time I see the devastated Manhattan in the film. They pictured it so real. I love it. Not that I love an annihilated NY but I just like the production design. I was really wondering about how colossal the studio they used. Great job!



Will Smith is back with a tremendous performance as Dr. Robert Neville a military scientist. You can feel his powerful emotion when he’s angry, crazy, troubled and I must say I was also terrified when he’s also scared. I am not a huge Will fan but I adore his versatility. His acting is somewhat comparable to Tom Hanks in “Castaway”. They are both survivors. Tom has Wilson the ball and Will has Sam the bitch. I won’t spoil one scene that really made me teary-eyed. I just couldn’t help it. I feel nostalgic after that scene.

It’s like watching “Survivor: Ruined Manhattan”. Outlive, Outrun, Outfight.


There is a twist in the story and I was flabbergasted.

Kudos to the director! Francis Lawrence delivers a gripping thriller. He knows how to astound the audience just like what he did with his previous movie “ Constantine”.


I just didn’t like the CGI monsters here. They aren’t scary at all. For me the vampires in recent horror flick “30 Days of Night” are more bloodcurdling than the bloodsucking mutants in I Am Legend. There is a suspenseful chapter at the latter part that reminds me of a scene in another Smith movie “I, Robot”. Remember the wall climbing robots?
Figure it out.


Just expect to be punchy with the scientific details of the movie. It’s like listening to your fast biology teacher who always gives hard quizzes everyday.

The movie is really commendable. It doesn’t promise to rake awards but I can assure that you will enjoy the frightening ride.


RATING: 4 / 5*

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